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    Over the coming years Ismail worked with a number of remittance businesses as well as international policy makers.

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    And because we understand the importance of staying connected, Nimble enables people to send mobile airtime top-ups.

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    Millions of us now rely on Mobile Money services instead of bank accounts, so we offer transfers directly to them.

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Vivamus vulputate mollis diam nec sollicitudin. Pellentesque et convallis dolor. Donec porttitor eleifend nunc et gravida. Nunc condimentum nunc ut justo pellentesque, nec laoreet massa aliquet. Suspendisse erat orci, imperdiet nec dignissim eget, posuere sit amet tellus. Etiam et porta dui, eget euismod dui. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent molestie, diam id tempus convallis, est est ullamcorper ex, vel malesuada nisi tortor nec nisi. Fusce sit amet nibh tellus. Etiam at ex tortor. Mauris nisi est, ornare ut rutrum posuere, gravida vel magna. Morbi molestie nunc tellus, nec posuere est ullamcorper quis.